
To the right, I present a whaste of flesh and internal organs.

Moving on,

A photo of Shibuya is in order I think, to give people a sense of how busy tokyo is in the off hours. Well its the end of the second week, which is sad, time is going too fast here! I swear, I should just "miss the plane"... yeah...

Anyway, some interesting stuff happened over the last 2/3 days. Well, except for the day I set my clock instead of my alarm. Nothing interesting happened that day. As I said, I have got concert tickets to see The pillows, which im exstatic about. Quite a few people reading this should be fammiliar with who they are. The concert is on the 19th in Shibuya, and I plan on being the first person in (I'll get in line at around 1 for an opening of 6). I got some music the other day in shibuya, then had to go beck yesterday to get The pillows new CD so I would know what songs they're playing. I'm listening to it now, it's one of their best I'd say. So that should be alot of fun.

Reality has decided I need to start using hair gel, as my horrible omni-cowlick really kicks up here, so I need to go get some of that. Spending has been on budget so far, despite the fact that Shibuya is a vapid black-hole in my wallet, thanks to The Pillows and L'Arc~en~ciel, as well as my electronic dictionary. I'm considering looking to see if any other local bands I like are touring right now, since it cost me around $6 more for concert tickets then a CD. Hmmm... need to look at L'Arc~en~Ciel.

While walking in Shibuya yesterday, we stumbled across a crowd of three or four people gathered around an unconcious man on the side of the street, he was alive, just completely out cold. We tried calling the 911 number here, but they already knew. We stayed long enough for some police officers to arrive, then continued moving on. We heard the ambulance about 2 minutes later, quite a fast response for a city this packed.

School is going well, it turns out that I'm not as far behind as I though, because sick days don't count against the total percentage you have to attend (90%). This means I can still "miss" the day that Death Note starts showing. :)

And on a final (for the Japan section) note:

What the F*** did I just eat?
This weird chocolate pastry thing that looked like a cross between a Marshmellow, a Turd
, and a chocolate. It was hard to decide wheather I shoud feel sick or salivate. Sadly, the effort of not making a mess while eating it ruined some of the fun. It also tasted rather bland. :(

Id like to make a small statement of a universal truth. What goes around comes around. This is just perfect. I'd like to see how the ACLU handles this one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In fairness, shouldn't you say "to the right, I present a DANDYLION"

Blogger Mindspy said...

In fairness, its my blog.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shibuya is intense. That unconcious man story is radical


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