
It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool.

Okay, just a small update. I'm feeling... wierd. I can very easily tell I'm still sick, but its sort of hard to tell except for the occasional gut-wrenching cough and the inability to speak...

Brief update clarifying some of the contest rules.
  1. You must give your name (or handle, for the Kutfooters) in your post.
  2. It must be a real reply, not shouting OMFG ITS ---.
  3. You must properly identify the anime or manga that the quote is from, I will give some leeway for now on posting all of them at once, so that you dont have to keep going through and commenting on all of my old posts. This will probably only extent until my next update.
  4. The prize is one unopened Kingdom Hearts II Trading Arts figure.
  5. The contest ends when I get back to the states.
So there you have it, enjoy!

Ja' Ne!

P.S. I said I would try and do a lovecraftian styled update. In may take me a bit longer, but expect it tonight (Tokyo time) or tommorow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haruhara Haruko - FLCL


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