
Accadent on the Hanzomo line

Something happened on the Hanzomo line that I take to school, resulting in me being like, 1:30 minutes late. For gods sake, I might as well lie in at this rate, seeing as i'm late even if my alarm is set for 6:50. There is a god of the metro, and he hates me.

Sorry for the lack of an update yesterday. Here, let me summerize yesterday: Got to school late (missed the train), played Quest of D at the arcade some, went to akihabara to get more Disgaea figs., ate wierd cracker thing random Llaox staff member was handing out (Verdict: I'd eat it again), drooled over Mechanical Keyboard (Almost bout it, but it has a single button backspace), got home, played my PS2, slept.

All right, today was rougly the same story, replace (missed the train) with (God hates me), I got no free cracker, and add "even" between "get" and "more Disgaea figures". I have one left to get, and they're going out of production. Im going to get them all and the horse they rode in on! (Actually, considering I bought out an entire box, the guy just let me keep the box, so I quite litterally have the horse they rode in on!) Any repeats of the Iconics (Laharl, Etna, Flonne) ill give to friends, like brian, whose apathy is affecting me even here.

The downside to tokyo (and the upside, in my opinion) is that its cramped. Now I am by no means Claustraphobic, but the downside to rubbing shoulders with everyone is that many people smoke. Now, im not going to be the kind of person who thinks that Nicotine should be banned (though I do think it should all be hurtled into the sun. Suck on lung cancer, skin cancer!) but I AM the kind of person who has a bad allergic reaction to smoke. Safe bastions for my lungs include (and are pretty much limited to) my appartment, the Metro (and JR), and certain Arcades (which is one of the reasons I like killing time there.) The lack of safe bastions means one thing: I am sick again. No matter where I go this happens without fail.

On the subject of arcades, I would like to say that the age-old death of the american arcade deeply saddens me in retrospect. The last local arcades closed when I was like, 3, but they thrive in japan. Theres nothing like going into a small room with some coins and meeting new friends when all you have in common is you're being ripped off by the same machine (Hell, with the specific guy i'm reffering to, we didn't even have a common language). Another thing is putting Taiko Drum Master 8 on the sidewalk, so no matter how good (or bad) you are, the whole world sees. It's actually alot of fun, though in japan its so common almost nobody cares unless they're a gaijin or you're a gaijin (Awww, look at the little gaijin trying to master our entertaining technology). Now, theres good and there's good, and this guy in Akihabara (My hangout, since it has the only smoke-free arcades I can find) was so freaking good, that a huge crowd gathered around him. A crowd of Japanese people. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN. This guy was effing hardcore, he even brought his own drumsticks. For an arcade game. I got pictures and two videos of this (Not very stable thanks to my caffine-withdrawl), that i'll be posting when I get the chance.

Oh, and some people wanted photos. As I said, I want to keep at least a minor degree of anoniminity on this blog, but in doing so I had to reveal that I like smiliey faces and quotes from The Catcher in the Rye. That or i'm a Ghost in the Shell fan (The latter is a better bet, look at my t-shirt).

Yodobashi - Bear

Oh, and that black jacket? It's badass, I know. A little corner clothing shop is having a massive sale so I decided to pick it up. I like it, and i'd bet more, but apparentally all they have left is larges. In Japan i'm an XL (Or "LL" as they call it), in the states, a medium (Clothing size, smartasses).

Before I get to the food thing, let me post about the figure collection i've amassed and my reason for doing so. Why? Because they are a great portable and creap way to decorate a room or desk or such. Now about the figures, I have figures from one manga/anime (Bleach) and one game (Disgaea). Now, Disgaea takes place in hell, so all of the figures staring at me each night are, in fact, little plastic daemons. Except my Hollow Ichigo figure from Bleach. Let me phrase it simply; A hollow is an Evil Spirit, and Ichigo is a Shinigami, or God of death. Top that off with the fact that im wearing my Miskatonik University shirt (which has a Pentagram, skull, black candle, and ancient book of evil on it) and I feel absolutely goth-y.

Now on to the important things...

What the F*** did I just eat, Day 4
Todays delicacy was purchaced from an AM:PM just outside of Akihabara. It was a stange cross, between a pastry, a hot dog, and an albino turd. Visually, it looked like crap (litterally), but it actually tasted really good. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't try and get another at my local AM:PM.

Until next time,


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