
If you aren't remembered, then you never existed.

Okay, lets go with the scores first.

Garra Sunkage comes in first with three points so far, for guessing some of the quotes. Nobody got the Eva quote.

"We aren't men disguised as dogs. We're wolves disguised as men." Is from Jin-Roh, the point goes to Gaara Sunkage.

It takes an idiot to do cool things. That's why it's cool. Is from FLCL, the point goes to Gaara Sunkage.

"LIFE FORMS ARE APPROACHING. OH @#*% RUN RUN...!" Is from Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, the point goes to Gaara Sunkage.

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world. Is from Neon Genisis Evangelion, the point goes to my prinny squad, who will ravenously devour it and explode.

So so far its Gaara Sunkage 3, prinny squad 1. Booyah.

I went to a pharmacy on sunday and got some medication for my throat. I started having mild dizzy spells, but it worked really well so I'm still taking it. Eventually I decided it might be worth figureing out what the hell was in them. Here are the two key ingredients:
Carbocisteine 750mg
Dihydrocodeine phosphate 30mg
Basically, they designed a drug that in the event it doesn't work, you couldn't give a shit. Awesome japan, keep up the good work.

Got some music today, some L'arc~en~Ciel and The Pillows, which are both awesome. I also picked up an e-dictionary that works quite well, or it will, once I learn how to use it a bit better. Managed to avoid Akihabara today, though that will be unavoidable tommorow (because I say so), but thanks to the dictionary I actually spent more then I have at Akihabara. So crap.

I was asked for a summery/mini-review of the game i've been mentioning a lot, Disgaea. It is a batshit insane and down-right hillarious game with a strong sense of humor in the vein of FLCL, with a dash of Monty Python sprinkled on top. It's a turn based strategy game, but it moves at a much faster pace than FFT (Which probably took about as long to program as it does to complete one fight), but still allows for slowing down and giving a good amount of thought into your plans. If you want a brief review, then I have two words: Fscking Awesome. There you have it. You must buy this game yourself within 1 day of reading this message, then you must convince 10 other people to buy it or you will be cursed. Like, with crabs or somthing. Gigantic robot crabs.

Oh, and finally, Pain is my middle name right now. Sadly, my first name is "I'm in a lot of" and my last name is "Right Now". Yeah, walking for hours on end on an injured foot hurts quite a bit. At least I could use my umbrella as a cane. I really need a hot shower or somthing to get the smell of ciggeretts off everything I own. Stupid-ass smokers. Want something less lethal? Try 40CCs of cyanide into a main artery, at least that won't kill me. Who knows, it could be the next big addiction!

What the F*** did I just eat, day whatever:

Lets see, nothing really special, just a mystery-meat (I'm pretty sure it was Soylent Green) rice bowl and discount ramen that tastes like shit. The things I do for you damn readers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, man, I suck for confusing that Eva one with, "Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty." from Big O...amatuerish.

That codeine sounds wonderful, haha. Were the Soylent Greens good? I've always wanted some, haha. If I can I'm gonna look around for Disgaea, sounds pretty fun from what you're saying. Take more codeine for the pain, haha.


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