
"We aren't men disguised as dogs. We're wolves disguised as men."

Gaara Sunkage has got the last one, but I will not ever again accept entries that are not real posts. You must actually have something to say. As I said before, this post will be the deadline for summerizing all the previous quotes. In the next post, I will detail all of the previous quote origins.

Today was bad (in a sense). I lost my voice. But you know when you lose your voice, how you can still whisper, or rasp? Yeah. I couldnt. Thats right, I was practally a mute, and tommorow I litterally will be. Im not going to speak as every time I do, my throat goes right down the toilet again.

I got the next two volumes of death note (7 and 8) but I wont say anything except how awesome they are, thanks to earth shattering spoilers. The death note movie looms on the distant horizon, but at least I have another person interested enough to go see it with me. I'm going to buy a black notebook and white pen and write "Death Note" on it for the movie premier. I also might get an incredibly oversized white t-shirt, some floppy sandals, and some eye shadow. L. Awesome.

I wandered around Shinjuku with the less-disturbing (see previous posts) of my two new friends, and helped him find a keyboard for his transcribing. A similar effort will be needed from me for my possible transcribing of god knows what I would use. And ended up finding an arcade game that gave like, 10 minutes of two-player gameplay for 200 yen. It was awesome, like, DDR with your hands. Hypnotic man...

On a not-hurting-my-feet note, Hale nochi Guu has been translated officially! I am now such a happy person thanks to the fact that the greatest of random anime or Randome as I now dub it, is stateside. This is great news, because english DVDs are far cheaper. You can bitch all you want, but your wallet doesnt know pain until it has invested $30 in a single episode.

And let me say right now that scientist need to star crossing penguins, people, the color purple, midgets with knives, and C4. With all this technology, how can we let a superweapon like this pass us by. Bonus point in the contest to anyone who figures out what the hell I was just saying.

Ja' ne, dood!


I'm afraid nothing more disturbing then curry and chicken mcnuggets was consumed today. And an awesome video (
http://www.callcentermovie.com/) was recently brought to my attention. Watch it.

As for the lovecraftian update, I forgot.

One final word, for all the below posts with anime titles, post them in this entry, as I wont be going through and checking them again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there...too bad about the voice. Even worse that your parents arent' there to enjoy it!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you're having a good time, wish I were there too.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hasta Lluega, we'll write to you from Spain.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, ha! What is curry like? I've never had it. Maybe on account of your lost voice your vocal chords will be permanently damaged making it sound really awesome.

Jin-Roh is this ones quote, which is a really amazing anime, very different from a lot I've seen.
Yesterdays was FLCL which is one of the most fun I've watched.
Big O for "Alls right."
Tell me about that new Eva Manga.
I have no idea about the life forms quote...
Whats Quest of D??? Is it Vampire Hunter D? Also, where are pictures? I want more laughing men. haha

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, it's Disgaea, which I've never played or heard of, but looks radical. Is it as cool as it looks?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from LHR


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