
God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Okay, let me start with this. Im sick of people not replying. I know I have people reading this, and iv'e set it up so you dont need to be a member to reply. As such, I offer a small special prize of one un-opened Final Fantasy Trading Arts Vol. 2 to the person who both gives me a real reply, and identifies what anime each quote in my title is from. I'll be giving a massive hint in these updates.

Let me start off on a "Some things are just awesome" note; they have made a new Eva manga, and its ALL CHEESECAKE. Sweet. Also, I got the last of the Disgaea figures, including the secret one (Evil Flonne), so the remaining boxes I have will go to cons, as digaea stuff sells (I'm still looking everywhere for a Prinny plushie).

On a some things suck note, as I said before i'm sick. I missed school for two days, so I'm not too happy about that. Thankfully its early enough in that they are still doing Hiragana, which I already know and have the notes for. To be fair, I'm more upset about being sick in japan then missing school. I managed to wade my way through the miniscule (as opposed to great) tokyo outdoors through three banks to find one that would take AmEx travelers checks.

Banks. Let me tell you one thing, Japan is a very friendly place under almost any circumstances. But banks are a different world. The first bank I went to I ended up spending about half an hour in, trying to converse in what little japanese I have as well as what little english the manager had. We were there about ten minutes, when some random peon brought us tea. High grade open leaf tea. That stuff is pretty expensive, and it was great, especially because of the caffine at that time of the morning. The manager got out a map and showed me to the nearest major bank in Soka that would cash my checks. So I hopped on the local train and headed there.

At the second bank, a kindly woman helped explain that they dont cash those kind of checks there, but that a nearby bank did. She then walked me to the nearby bank (Conviniently in the same building) and showed me where to go. So after about half an hour of them waiting there tring to figure out why my post and counter-signed signatures were so different (Hint: my handwriting sucks) I managed to get the money I needed for a train pass. I headed back to the station, and seeing as I was half way there, decided to try my new metro-only route to Akihabara (Again).

There I managed to get the last of the Disgaea figures, as well as a few games of Quest of D in before getting exhausted and heading back to Gamo, where I picked up some more of the cow-on-a-stick I like so much, and a box (Read: One serving) of cereal before heading back to the appartment for a shower.

I met some new friends here, and we ended up playing Narultimate Fighter 2 for an hour or two, and then hung out and went back over to the store for some food for the new guys.

All around a pretty mediocre day. Though I just found out (like, this second) that iTunes has finally updated their episodes of Lost, so I guess i'll be getting to sleep a bit later then.

What the f*** did I just eat, day 6
Today I violated two of my golden rules of food. Never eat anything bigger than your face, and never eat anything bigger than your face thats pink.

Thats right, I ate a giant round pink thing. It was like, a pastry crossed with bread, with a slightly more solid outer shell that tasted like strawberries. It was actually quite good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's from a poem by Robert Browning--"Pippa Passes." What do I win?!

who would have thought a traveller's cheque would be so hard to cash...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't know you could post a reply. Nice blog! what's your favourite thing to do in Tokyo so far?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guilty, reading & loving it but no response. Glad you're having a ball & explained the game & figures you're collecting. Your Aunt is totally out of touch with those things. Keep on blogging & do you have roommates? M.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I would like banking in Tokyo (if it wasn't in Japan) So are you eating by color or what?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Big O, so awesome.

Blogger Mindspy said...

Funny, because I hate it. Read the rules.


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