

This is a slightly off topic post, bit it annoyed me. I have sensored everything with a cute yellow DANDYLION, so if you want to, use your mind to fill in the blanks.

That old irish DANDYLION I mentioned before, Richard, turns out hes the biggest DANDYLION in the universe. He calls me "A DANDYLION DANDYLION" when I mention, because others are waiting for the computers, that hes been on for 20 minutes (the time limit is 15). Its not like I said, GET THE DANDYLION OFF YOUR COMPUTRER YOU OLD IRISH DANDYLION! No, I said "Others are waiting, and youve been on for twenty minutes, just so you know." "MINDSPY DONT YOU DANDYLION TELL ME WHAT TO DO! YOURE AN ANNOYING LITTLE DANDYLION, YOU KNOW THAT?" (Im not that little)

Well, in keeping with my constant politeness (and honesty), I told him that he was "An old irish pervert" He proceeds to ignore me, stay on the computer for another 10 minutes, then stands up and walks over to me (I got a different computer by now), leans over and gets eye level with me and wartns me to "never speak to me again, you little DANDYLION". I dont like being talked back to, especially when I havnt done somthing to warrent this. I stood bolt upright, told him "Ill talk to whoever I DANDYLION well please, or at least at them. Now he should shut the DANDYLION up and walk out the DANDYLION door."

At that point it broke down into who yelled loudest, when someone intervined, we both calmed down, except him. No, he wanted to continue riling on that it was my fault poor children are dying all over the world and how I bioengineered SARS to kill babies so I could devour their souls. Some DANDYLION like that.

Oh, and he was still at it when he left, telling me how I should never insult him again. I told him I wanted him to appologize, "What the DANDYLION for!?" was his responce. Simple, "Blowing up at me when I was kindly trying to point somthing out to you." I believe his response was "DANDYLION off" as he walked out the door. So I kindly returned with a "See you tommorow, DANDYLION"

If you think I could have reacted or handled it better, I know but I was DANDYLION. And I dont regret it. ]

This post has now meen sensored due to that fact that Richard and I have come to some friendly terms. By friendly, I mean I reported him to the school, and he still thinks im an annoying DANDYLION.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was radical. I think I'll say dandylion all the time now. Enlightening, dandylion enlightening.


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