
"I don't have to eat it to know it's toxic."

Allright, back to the old format. Yesterday was upsetting, to say the least. I find it really upsetting that people can get away with being such fruitbats, the upside of all this of course, was that I learned one valuable lesson in japanese diplomacy;

  • "He Started It" Is a valid excuse, even if your retaliation was just as bad as the starting offense.
Thats right, my favorite excuse that, to the rest of the world, "Isn't the point" (Bullcrap), actually works. I win.

I dad let me get a really nice mechanical keyboard (I only use mechanicals) that has an apparently common problem of making a high-pitched ringing noise thanks to the conatined metal parts. So this means I get to go back to the store, and try and return somthing which, thanks to hearing loss over time, the clerks probably wont even notice. I'll return it and look around for one at a different store. If they'll only let me exchange, I'll have to be more careful in noisy stores, and demand to see a non-sample model first.

So i'm doing my first laundry-run, which is lights, so despite plans, I wont be able to get to sleep hyper early. Oh well, washing should be done by the end of this blog post, followed by an hour and a half of drying, so I should be in bed at 11:30, giving me a full 7 hours of sleep before I (actually) get up. Yeah, i'm going to try and catch the earlier train, which is like, 7:2x, because all signs point to it being less crowded. And in tokyo, that means that I get to breath.

And big news for me; for the first time in my life I am going to see a concert! I've always wanted to hold out my first concert for a band I really like, as opposed to just going with someone because i'm bored. So I have tickets to see The Pillows! The world is a happy place, its 6 days away, and i'll probably be the only forigener there, or at least one of them. I'll be sure to get photos if I can, but if I can't, oh well.

My studying is going really well, I can read quite fast (though my comprehension is only slightly better) and despite missing several classes, i'm still ahead of the game, which is nice. I'm working on translating volumes of Death Note that I haven't read yet, so slowly but surely I will be drawn into the world of... tokyo last year... again.

For those who care, i'm amazingly on budget. Iv'e actually got extra then im ment to, and I have enough to pick up the train pass tommorow. Or not tommorow, because I dont want to do that on a friday. *shudder*

Finally, a couple of shoutouts.

First one is to DekeNicki, who despite everything she's going throuh, is keeping upbeat while she waits for those of us who have yet to send the money. I think she can forgive me on the grounds that I was looking for something from Death Note for her.

Second is to Mindy, congradulations on the school in england, and I hope I can convince you to come to UWW in fall 07. Also, on her courage for dealing with the last name Moore while being a raging conservitive.

Third to my aunt Janis, who is finally getting to come to japan this summer to visit me. All it took was like, 10 weeks of "Why dont you bring aunt Janis" for my parents to think "Why don't I bring Janis?" Way to go!

And to my cousin, for getting into every university she applied for. Here's to the next four years, Georgie!


Nothing wierd was consumed in the last few days, at least nothing I havn't already posted about.

Oh, on a brief note on yesterday, some asshat stole my umbrella. (Probably not intentionally, as some of them look the exact same and none are marked. But damnit, I like MY stuff.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so how did it go witht he laundry? Or do all your clothes now fit a Barbie?

Blogger Mindspy said...

Quite well, actually.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He started it, that's excellent. I love he started it. I also love not being able to breathe on a train in Tokyo, or rather, I loved it...until I died.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So where are you now?


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