
Did you know? Reapers like apples.

I have a lot to talk about, but first i'd like to talk about a newly discovered pet-peeve. This goes out to everyone using a communal or shared bathroom; Please, for God's sake, do NOT turn the lengths of toilet paper into origami in your spare time on the can. I mean, come on! I whipe my ass with it, I dont want to deal with the impression of taking a crap in the middle of the Louvre and then finishing off by re-coloring the Mona Lisa.

Moving on, I have discovered several wonderful thinks. First off, I am apparently very lucky. A large portion of my spending money when i'm away gets spent on Gashapon, or little money-grubbing toy-dispensers (Think how children view their parents). Fortunately, so far every Gashapon I put money into gave me the exact one I wanted first try. To be fair, I only wanted one thing, and I only tried once, but its still hard to argue with the percentages. Also, the little randomized box-toys I got for myself and friends also were nice to me giving me what I wanted first try.

Second, they make pre-made penut-butter and jelly sandwhiches in little airtight packs that are actually cheaper then buying some bread, jam, and penut-butter. Score one for convinence based technology.

Now, if anyone can ruin my day, it's Worldlink Education, the group that I came here through. They had some orientation at 3:00 for long-term students, so I waited around for my friend who also had to go, who ended up getting out of class late. Our teacher called WLE, told her we'd be a bit late, and sent us off.

Suffice to say about 400 Yen later (It was in Shinjuku) we hadn't found it. There were three of us, with a map, and we couldnt find it. Before you jump on a blame bandwagon, here's how crappy the direction's were: The locals were more confused then we were. Thats right WLE, I can now rationalize my long-time irrational hatred of your orginization.

I finished all the personal shopping I had listed today, so I can get out and enjoy the sights tommorow, which will be nice. I'll probably head to Asakusa and see if I can get any better then the "Your death is imminent" fortune I got last year. Probably not, there'll just be a small "Except with Gashapon" attached to it.

Turns out that the Student Discount for the train passes only applies to college students in a Japanese college. Whoop-de-doo, that means around a $200 dollar three month pass that I still have to pay extra on if I go anywhere other then school with. Joy. Oh, not to mention that the metro is seperate from the JR, which because I dont use as much isn't worth getting a monthly pass for.

I have some thought's on what i'd like to do in later life (finally), but i'm feeling a bit depressed for some reason (Some reason my ass, I know exactally why, i'm just not going to broadcast it. Nobody loves Emo people [Which is the one thing they get right]).

A discussion with my french-canadian friend about something and philosiphy led to the most awesome mix up of words Evar. "Curiosity killed Schroedinger's cat." He roughly said it, I peiced it together. A perfect way of saying that your curiosity is more likely then not going to get someone else killed. A prime example of this would be my desire to make the Homonculous array from FMA out of thermite, then set it on fire. Any takers on helping me with this? :)

What the f*** did I just eat, day 2
That "Thing" I mentioned yesterday? It was like, sweet bread. I like it, I bought another for tommorow. Nummy, considering I plan on being on the train at like, 7 so I can backtrack a station and get the Pass so it won't cost an arm and a leg to get from here to school. I'll be sure to buy something wierd tommorow. I know a shrine where this guy sells questionable looking fish on a stick. Ill try one of those. I had the strange mochi-ball-teriyaki things I like, it was funny, my teacher was trying to convince to the other students that they are indeed edible. You should have seen her face when she realized I was moving on to my third. Hehe.

One last thing, THEY ARE MAKING A DEATH NOTE MOVIE. I am in the country for its release date. If any teachers are reading this (Since I gave them this as my "website"), expect to not expect me that day.

Oh, and anyone who reads
Kotaku will be aware of the massive rush over the medicinal-tasting (Read: crap) Final Fantasy XII potion drink. I found some going for around $40 each. Sheesh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there. Thanks for making me famous with a post script! Continue having those adventures.


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