
All the people of the earth, want to rock'n'roll!

Okay, sorry for the late update, but yesterday I was very, very dead.

The concert was amazing. For those of you who didn't know, that was my first concert outside of a local band that I walked out on after 2 minutes. I've heard that many, if not most bands just aren't as good live; not so with the pillows, they were much, much better.

They were not only a good band, but they did two encores, and we're downright hilarious at times (Random girl at the back [in English]: "I LOVE YOU!" Secondary guitarist [in English] "me too.")
It probably would have been far more funny if I spoke Japanese better, because they would stop and talk every now and then, and the entire crowd would laugh their ass off. I only managed to catch a few words each time, but much better than I used to be able to.

This was part of the "My Foot Tour" promoting their new CD "My Foot", but they were kind enough to break up those songs with some of their most classic ones (Sadly no Ride On Shooting Star, I Think I Can, or Little Busters) such as Stalker goes to Babylon and Come Down, as well as one unreleased track, and a few of them from CD's I haven't heard yet.

For anyone who likes the pillows, I highly recommend My Foot as it is one of, if not their best CD ever. Especially the song Rock and Roll Sinners (Which the title of this entry is from, no points for this one). The ticket to the concert summarized them the best; "Traditional Rock" with kind of a mix of 90's rock and the beatles style and era. Really it was one of the best nights of my life, despite a massive amount of pain from jumping up and down fist in the air for the duration of the concert.

Funny, after being an underground hit for nearly two decades, the western crowd is actually bringing them to the mainstream (Penalty Life is out in the US, expect to see My Foot soon, I'd guess). Also, the pillows is intentionally un-capitalized.

On a final note, I shall use this space to remind myself never to sleep before 10PM again, because I woke up at 4AM. Damn.

Ja' ne! Dood!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you end up with good seats for the concert?

Blogger Mindspy said...

Seats? What are seats?


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