
Lets hope not

Cindy Sheenan has decded that the standard rules of being mortal no longer apply to her;

(Emphasis mine)

Cindy said that she is determined t not only wants to see George Bush impeached but she wants to see him tried for Crimes Against Humanity. She states is so determined to see this done she says she will live for 1000 years. She went further by saying that even if she were involved in a fiery plane crash she would walk out alive just to see this done.

Kristinn yelled out to her as she was leaving the stage that the Iraqi’s have a memorial to the victims of terrorism saying that Freedom Isn’t Free. Cindy got back on the stage to say of course freedom is free, if it wasn’t it would be called expensivedom.

How sad, her son bravely died for a cause that she has dedicated her life to undermining. At least i'll be able to rest in peace knowing that she'll be waiting 1000 years for charges that, even if they do find there way into court, will be thrown out as complete bullshit.

Also, who gave her the comic wit of Ben Stiller? Expensivedom? Hot damn, someone give her a pullitzer.

Fun times.



Delay inbetween posting

Yeah, kinda forgot this blog existed briefly.

I'll be insanely busy this week, I have three midterms, and I "forgot" to study any of the material for them. So I had about 180 pages for a history midterm in 9 hours (I started reading an 1:45, finished at 12). Next up is 158 pages for Mythology and Folklore by Thursday, and 360 for PolySci by friday.

Fun times, shouldn't be too hard.

On a non-sequitur, the american publishers of Naruto are going to go batshit when they get to the point that one of everyone's favorite characters started smoking! God forbid! They already had to edit the manji (卍, a Bhuddist symbol, as opposed to the german [use of the] Swastika, which was mirrored and at a 45 degree angle), but the smoking thing is actually plot related, and they cant just edit this to somthing else. Heh, god forbid this gets in the way of killing people.