
*Expletive Deleted*

As seen on the list below, we have an inconsiderate idiot in our midst. This idiot, despite being warned by the landlord TWICE to not download large TV-shows/movies, just downloaded X-Men 3 today. Somthing tells me he won't be coming back to his internet connection any time soon.

BECAUSE I couldnt get on the internet earlier today, I was bored out of my skull. I decided to go to Shibuya around 5:30, and hung out there until the last train at 12:15. Turns out the last train was only going halfway to my stop. So I took a taxi.

One $90 taxi ride later, im back home. So hello!


Shit list #3

This guy would have held number 2, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt multiple times.


Name: Leo
Location: Japan
Age: 19
Offence: Told me to go f**k myself when asked nicely to not use every bit of bandwidth in the appartments. Ignored landlord regarding not stealing every bit of bandwidth in the appartments. Will not stop insulting everything anyone else likes, even if he has never seen/hear of it.
Verdict: Grade-S asshole, Mental Capacity of 5 year old.


Maturity, or a lack thereof

I'm starting on a rant, then Ill get to the parts people want to hear.

You know you need to get away from someone when the desire to examine the internal structure of their eyes with a pencil starts sounding like a really good idea, despite the jail time.

I got to class just before it started, and there were only a few open seats. There are no real assigned seats, people just generally have regions of the room they sit in (Nerds in back, Koreans left, Dutch/German right, etc.). So by the time I got to class, someone was sitting in the seat I usually sit in.

Whoop-dee-doo. I couldn't really care less, so I pulled up a seat next to one of my friends. This British guy, let's call him Chris (Because his name is Chris?), usually sits there but he was late. So, class goes on for almost the entire day. Eventually Chris shows up, and takes the seat between my friend and I.

Now, normally I wouldn't care, but the seat I was in was crammed between the wall and a support pylon for the building. This means I have about one square inch to store my bag and papers (which I had been keeping on the middle chair). So now I have no room, and on top of that, when the Sensei calls on one of us, I can't get out.

What did I do? I asked very politely if he could take one of the other chairs in the room, because the support pylon prevented me from going anywhere (or breathing). I got an equally polite "Well that's not my problem, is it?" from him. I explained the situation again, pointed out other seats, and also pointed to the small table-chair things behind him. "But I always sit here, and you're in my f**king seat."

I point out that, the classroom had no assigned seats, and that someone was sitting where I usually did, so it didn't really matter. My friend gives up, moves to an empty seat to stop us from arguing. Immediately following this is half of a dictionary's worth of new and creative insults. I asked him to stop, and added that there was no need to be rude.

"Look, it's not my f**king problem, you stole my f**king seat, you little t***t."


Okay, so let's go over this again. He crammed me in, responded amazingly rudely to any kind request, claims I stole his seat, despite the fact that the class was almost over when he got here. Right.

Not since second grade have I seen someone be such an ass over something so petty. Hence, I present Member #2 of Mindspy's shit list.

Name: Chris
Location: Japan
Age: Twenty-something, possibly 19
Offence: Started flinging insults to the point of distraction over who's chair I was sitting in. Mid class.
Verdict: Grade-B asshole, Mental Capacity of 10 year old.

And looking back at the other member in this format:

Name: Richard
Location: Japan
Age: 60-something, possibly near-immortal hellspawn
Offence: Ignoring every coutesy rule, demanding respect and giving none, getting offensive when not provoked.
Verdict: Grade-A asshole, STD's from years of sleeping with hookers have probably attacked his brain.

Now for the good bits (Unless you like anger and aggression, in which case, scroll up and start again.)

My Mother and Aunt visited me in Japan last week, signaling that my time here is drawing to a close (Sort of like the apocalyptic Horsemen of Fiscal responsibility and Talking). It was fine, though having someone moving slower than Mach-5 when you've been living in Japan can piss you off very quickly. Not to mention having a leash on again kinda is a killjoy. In the end, I really enjoyed their company, and managed not to kill them. So that was a good few days.

Nothing really interesting happened until yesterday, where we had the worst thunderstorm I have ever seen. I sleep with my window open, because of an awning-like outcrop on the roof, it never rains into my room. With the wind as it was during the thunderstorm though, that changed. In my infinite wisdom, I didn't notice (Spot is WIS based, right?). This meant I had a horribly soaked bed, alarm/DS, and headphones. My bed wasn't going to dry anytime soon, and I had no intentions of frying my DS. So, at around 11:30, I headed to Shibuya.

What was in Shibuya you might not ask? Capsule Hotels! The cliche tiny little hole in the wall rooms that drunk or late businessmen rent overnight when they miss the last train. I got there at around 1 AM, checked in, and went up to the little capsule I would get to call home for a night. Any stories of these thing you have heard are not exaggerated. They are TINY.

They aren't uncomfortable, actually. In there was a little TV and an alarm that wasn't going to short circuit when I turned it on. So I set up, lay down, and woke up in time for class. It was actually quite nice, I made it to school in a half hour instead of an hour and a half, and I got a great nights sleep. They are at least kind enough to build little fans into the capsules, so it doesn't' get too hot.

If you have to stay in a capsule hotel, or just want to try one sometime, you should defiantly check out Capule-Land in Shibuya. For ¥3700 a night, its worth it.

For the nerds who read this, I've got the worlds greatest PbP build; Half-Celestial Cleric/Shadowdancer Rat. Tiny sized, but still 10dF**KTON sneak attack damage.

Ja' ne!



Well, I said that Id call off the updates since nobody was responding, but time now dictates that I have absolutely nothing better to do.

Ill start with a rough story of what the hell is going on right now. Fist off, the train I take is ths Chuo-Rinkan to Jinbo-chou, where the school is. On the way home, I take the Kuki. These are the same train, just different names based on the direction.

So my mother and aunt came to visit me, so I went to see them in Shinjuku. I planned to stay the night, until I saw that my bed was a blanket on the floor. Ive slept in worse, but I have a nice cozy appartment. So I grab by bag and head to the train station. Great, get on a train around 11 with plenty of time. Nose in iPod, and away I go.

About a half hour later, I look up to check where I am. Hmm, im pretty sure thats not on the rout. I stand up and check the map.


Well SHIT, I got on the Chuo-Rinkan! I hop off, and catch a local back to shibuya. Turns out I missed the last express (only way to get to where I live). So I exit the train station onto the steets of 12:30 AM tokyo, where I know of an internet and manga Cafe open 24/7.

So here I am until 6 AM.



I said i'd post after killing those aliens. Still havnt done that 4 days later, so I thought I'd post anyway. Ill try and make this a bit long.

Okay, well, not much happened on golden week, I went to a meuseum in Odaiba, well, I thought I did. Turns out this museum I was at wast the museum, it was a free exibit by Toyota, so I need to head back to Odaiba on the weekend. :)

I mainly got on the train, went to Shibuya/Shinjuku and wandered for a few hours, then made my way back/to the nearest train station. Was a lot of fun, actually. Sadly, there wont be anymore what the hell did I eat things, because the food here is pretty much the same when on a budget of less that $50 a meal.

In my neverending quest to aquire all things Death Note, I decided to save my money and buy the massive and heavy (Has a solid steel Shinigami skull inside) Death Box. Having made this choice, I then visited Akihabara, losing any money I had intended to save. Damnit. School is going well, I find i'm able to read quite fast and carry on simple conversations, though I would like to work on my Kanji more. Teachers and everything is going well, and im keeping amused by drawing and thinking (I love the sound of my own brain).

Speaking of sound, my iPod's poor LithIon battery decided it hates me, and is only lasting for a few hours at a time. With it only lasting one way on the train, life got dull standing there, so I went and got another iPod at my favorite little (massive) electronics shop, Sakuraya. Having bought a 60GB iPod video, a G-Shock, an Electronic Dictionary, and a PS2, I had ammased a large quantity of reward points on my Sakuraya card (around 10000, with 1 point being worth 1 yen) So I had a hundred dollars, and I couldnt really find a game I wanted. So what did I do? Second Wacom! So now I have a shiney white tablet to travel with. Good stuffs.

I'll be starting up a Podcast soon, because lord knows I bitch a lot and occasionally people enjoy listening to it, so i'll link to the RSS once ive made/hosted it. I have presents for pretty much everyone who exists, so if I forgot you, it means you aren't real!

I have a new manga addiction now, Gantz. If you can get over the fact that its a porny-bloodfest (aimed at 16+ year olds...) its a damn fine story. Speaking of artists, it has become apparent that I am Yoshitoshi ABe's bitch. I have spent more on pariphinalia related to his work than anything else. Way to go, ABe.

Well, not much else to say besides;

That is a halftone of my foot. I halftoned it to get rid of detail, as what you cant see in this is much, much, more disturbing. I have a major limp because of this, so I look completely idiotic walking around tokyo in the sun using my umbrella as a cane. Whoop-de-doo.

As for my weekend? I plan on doing somthing so unbelevibly touristy, and yet no tourists no of it. There is a tunnel near hear which the common beliefe is, is patrolled by a Shinigami (God of death). Heh, Ichigo, Ryuuk, or Grimm? :D

I do have somthing for you though, to both make up for my abscence and to inform the uneducated masses. I introduce, Mindspy's guide to visiting Japan! (If you cant see the Kanji, deal with it.)

Part One: Money

Like all countries in the world, Japan is a wonderful and occasionally magical (Only around Disneyland, they’re trying to fix that problem) place. With vast quantities of anything you can think of (including those thoughts you’re trying to put at the back of your mind) and food that can tickle the tastebuds and churn the stomach.

Unlike most places, where trying to blend in makes life easier, here it helps to stand out when you’re a tourist (Because face it, you’re never going to blend in). Here, being a tourist brings with it added hospitality and politeness, as well as a small amount of leeway concerning the hard-to-learn ettiquite (males excluded) of the land. And while most tourist hot-spots in Japan will crank up prices, the rest of the country did that long ago.

Many things will seem odd and alien, so lets cover a few basics, shall we?

The local currency here is the Yen, and well it is often seen represented by a sign overseas, it usually ends up as over here.

Currency comes in various bills and coins. Though bills are usually easy to recognize on sight, I will cover some of the denominations the coins come in.

500: This coin is fairly obvious, it is a fair bit larger then the other coins, and has a bigass 500 on it. It might be able to buy you a French fry.

100: Never run out of these. These are your lifeblood in japan. If you run out of anything else, you are still okay as long as you have a trusty 100 yen coin in your pocket.

50: Simmilar to the 100 coin, but with a hole in it. While not absolutely nessicary, they can make purchaseing train tickets or vended goods much, much easier.

10: Simmilar to the 50 in its uses, this coin is easily identified by a color scheme that sugests it was a stagnent sewer for the last 20 years. This is the smallest coin any automated device will accept. No matter what, you WILL end up with enough of these to weigh down an elephant.

5: This coin is far less frequently used, and you will only ever get them as change from stores and such. Almost no automated machine will accept these, so their use is severly limited.

1: The lonely one yen coin exists for some unknown and unfulfilled purpose. This coin is absolutely worthless. These coins exist to make reaching any useful coin a tedious job. You will end up with millions of these little aluminum buggers, yet no matter how many you amass, it will never actually be worth anything. Give these to charities. Preferably ones you don’t like.


I guess

Guess i'll actually update once ive taken a nap and killed some aliens.