
My-name-is-Tom my ass

Now, i'm not sure outsourcing is ruining the local world, but at least it is a guaranteed way to piss off customers.

[Strong Indian Accent]
Hello my name is Tom, how may I help you?

Hello, I have a problem with my laptop...

Can you give me your name please?

Uh... Sure, it's Warren, W-A-R-R-E-N.

Okay Juan, how may I help you?

... As I said, I have a problem with my monitor.

What is the problem sir?

Well, there appears to be a hair between the crystals and the protective screen...

Is it like a large white patch?

No... i'ts a hair...

Is it like a dark line?

No, it is not dead pixels, it is a hair.

... Is it like a crack?

No, its just a HUMAN HAIR.

Oh, okay sir, let me put you on hold.
[Loud hold music for five minutes]

Sir, just one more question, are you sure its a hair, could it be a crack of some kind?

Well I SUPPOSE it could be a very fine FIBRE, but i doubt it.

Okay sir, let me put you on hold.
[Loud hold music for five minutes]

Sir, nothing in our warranty covers this sort of problem, our only option is to have you send us the laptop and we will charge you a servicing fee.

Im sure it covers manufacturer-end problems.

Let me put you on hold again
[Loud hold music for five minutes]

Sorry sir, all supervisors are busy, and it will probably be a long time before they will be available, if you would like to ask me the question then I would be happy to listen.

Fine. There is a freaking hair in the monitor, I am being told by you that this is my fault, and that I have to pay for a repair for damage that was caused specifically by a manufacturing error. I leave the country in three days, and still I am being told that nothing can be done in under at least a five day period.

I am sorry sir, there is nothing I can do.

You know what, FINE. You know the department you're in? Put me through to the most senior person there.

[Loud hold music for five minutes]

[In a far stronger accent]
Hello I am Sultan what is the problem?

Were you updated by the person who forwarded me?

Yes *gibbering* fault *gibbering* probably a crack *gibbering*

Right. Look. I can tell it is not a FREAKING CRACK, if it were a crack, then somehow a monitor is STILL lighting pixels that have been CLEAVED in two. The designer of this would deserve some form of massive government grant for this amazing technology.

Sir, I understand but there is nothing I can do.

Anywhere I can direct legal complaints?

[The sound of lead hitting the floor as he starts shitting bullets]
Sir, i'm sorry that there is nothing we can do about a problem created on the user end other than send it in and have it physically repaired and our experts will determine wheather or not it is a crack, and charge you appropriately.

I just need to... you know what? Screw it. Thanks for your help.

Thank you sir, goodbye.

And this, is why I will never buy another HP product. I should mention that this was after a 50 minute chat conversation the resulted in no more than 10 responces from the person who was meant to be helping me in real-time.

[Update] Apparently i'm not the only person with this problem. [Link]